The Butch Monologues
Writer: Libro Levi Bridgeman, Director: Julie McNamara
The first stagings were developed and performed with The Drakes.
We are currently making a documentary of this work.
A production that excites in shifts and turns, working with new readers at each location, festival or venue, presenting a powerful and often humorous collection of secret stories exploring sexuality, vulnerability and desire taken from interviews with butches, masculine women, gender rebels and transmen, living world-wide.

First stagings in 2013 were developed with The Drakes, an online membership group of butches, transmen and gender rebels, brought together in friendship and solidarity.
The Butch Monologues has appeared at WOW Festival,Royal Festival Hall, Southbank, Laminate festival, L fest, Shout!, Birmingham Rep, Homotopia, Unity Theatre Liverpool, Chelsea Theatre, Just Like A Woman festival, LADA, Le Mama NYC, Arbron Arts NYC, Mardi Gras Sydney, Midsumma Festival, Melbourne.
Images: Kai Fiain / Christa Holka