Hold the Hearse! Reviews

Hold the Hearse! toured to great success in June 2016, to Bethlem Museum of the Mind, Langdon Down, Thackeray Museum, Royal College of Physicians and Hunterian Museum.
Review from the Lancet:
Link to Vital Xposure page:
Review from an unheard Mother:
“Hold The Hearse covered a vast array of issues in a very short time. And although I’m not typical of most of the audience, it has stirred my essence. I was so pleased to note young folk ask you questions. And you were excellent in getting to the kernel of each one.
Personally – I have been able to feel the loss of my 4-5 month old – what was told to me a miscarriage in a way I’ve never been able to before. U allowed this – years of “stuff” have shifted. I hadn’t been able to call my Baby – the baby I lost – my little one. “
(Published with permission – Audience member, Langdon Down Museum, June 2016)